Take your field operations to the next level with advanced offline features that keep complex data collection workflows running in all settings.

Dataset publishing that works offline. With offline dataset publishing, mobile devices can independently publish data to local copies of server datasets. Data collected on these devices and published to local datasets is synced to the server once the device is back online.
Pre-load data collected offline. With dataset publishing happening locally on data collectors’ devices, the data collected in one form can be pre-loaded into other forms in the same workflow wherever data collection takes place.
Advanced workflows that work anywhere. Combine offline dataset publishing with case management, long format data publishing, and flexible field value update modes for the freedom to design any system.

Next generation case management capabilities that allow you to adapt to the world around you.
Quick, user-friendly case transfers. Cases can be transferred offline between enumerators’ devices using Android’s Quick Share (formerly Nearby Share) feature in any location.
Data from transferred cases is available for pre-loading. Integrate offline case transfers into complex workflows that use offline dataset publishing to make collected data available across multiple forms and devices.
Increased flexibility. Empower your team to re-assign work in reaction to changing conditions on the ground. Design workflows where case ownership changes by design, allowing for referrals, and escalations.
More adaptive field logistics. Data collectors can work together more effectively and decrease the need to travel to find Internet access, with the option of transferring many cases to one device for syncing to the server.

Combine advanced offline features with case management to take your data collection to the next level.
Create new cases offline. One or more cases can be created by filling out a form while offline, which can in turn be transferred to the devices of team mates without being connected to the server.
Track the status of existing cases. Track if respondents aren’t home, need to be contacted at a later date, or refused to be interviewed – while working offline.
Close cases as soon as they are complete. Enumerator assignments to a case can be updated as soon as all required data is collected, keeping enumerators’ schedules accurate and up-to-date.
Keep track of attempts to reach a respondent. Use datasets to count the attempts to reach respondents and see data updates in attached forms while working offline.
See more ideas for offline data collection in the documentation.
Want to use the advanced offline features to take your data collection to the
next level? Open an Advanced or Enterprise subscription plan with us!
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SurveyCTO is based on Open Data Kit (ODK), the most widely-used open source platform for data collection. We added hundreds of improvements, hosting, documentation, and support, in order to increase its reach, usability, and power. Learn about how we compare to other platforms.