Only questions are allowed in ‘field-list. Bad node is: /form_id/group_2/group_1’
Have you received this error while using ODK? SurveyCTO is here to help!
What does this error mean?
You have questions enclosed inside a group (that is, between “begin group” and “end group” rows) and are using the field-list appearance on the group, so that all questions inside display on the same screen. However, inside this group, you have put another group. The problem is that a group that has a “field-list” appearance can’t have any other group inside it at all. That group would not serve any purpose, as all fields inside the parent group are, by definition, supposed to display on the same screen at the same time already, due to the field-list appearance.
How do I fix this error?
Delete all “begin group” and “end group” rows that are inside the parent group that uses the field-list appearance.
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