How do I edit my subscription’s primary contact information?
Log into your account’s manage subscription page, scroll down to the “Contact and Notifications” section, and click on “Edit contact information” under “Primary contact”. Then, update the contact information to be what you want.
How do I change which members on my team can contact your support team?
Your SurveyCTO subscription includes three (3) support contacts per team. That is, for each team on your subscription, up to (3) people will have the ability to submit support requests to get help from our professional support team 24/7. For example, if you have a two-team subscription, up to six (6) users can be support contacts. If you have a one-team subscription, up to three (3) users can be support contacts.
Administrators on your account can control which users on your server are designated as one of these support contacts.
To change which users on your account are support contacts, log in to the manage subscription page, scroll down to the “Support” section and click the checkboxes next to each user on your account who should be a support contact. Now, those users can log in to the Support Center and click “Submit a request” in the top right and submit requests directly to our support team anytime. We love to help and answer any questions users have, so we encourage you to get in touch!
If you’d like to learn more about SurveyCTO teams, please see the FAQ “What is a SurveyCTO team?”.
How do I edit contact information for billing and/or server notifications?
If you’d like to change who receives billing or server notifications, log into your account’s manage subscription page, scroll down to the “Contact and notifications” section, and under “Billing and server notifications emails” select which users will receive emails about billing and server information by checking or unchecking the relevant box next to each email address. You can even add non-user email addresses in this section by clicking on “Add notification for non-user email…”.
How do I add users to or remove users from my server?
If you would like to add new users to your server, log in to your server console and click on the “Configure” tab. Under the “Configure” tab, scroll all the way down to the “Your users” section and then click “Add user” to add a new user to your server.
If you would like to remove a user from your server, under the same “Your users” section of the “Configure” tab on your main server console, find the relevant user from the list of existing users and then click the “Delete” icon on the right hand side.
How do I prepay for my subscription?
To prepay for multiple months for a subscription, log in to the manage subscription page for your account and, under the SUBSCRIPTION section, click the button to “purchase more credits”. In the next step, when indicating how many team-months you want to purchase, choose however many months you want to prepay for from the drop down menu. If you pay for 12 team-months or more at once, you will get a 10% quantity discount on that purchase.
If I have pre-paid for team-months and/or extra submission credits, where do I find my account balance?
To track your account balance of both team-months and extra submission credits, log into your account’s manage subscription page. Here, you will find both your team-month credits and extra submission credits balances shown in the SUBSCRIPTION section. If you find you are running low, you will be able to purchase more credits directly from there (as long as your account supports purchasing credits).
What is auto-charge?
Auto-charge is a feature that helps ensure that your account stays active. If you prefer to pay month-to-month, this feature will automatically charge your credit or debit card on your billing date each month. If you prepay for your service, this feature will act as a backup payment method and automatically charge your credit or debit card if and when your prepaid team-month credits run out, and then every month after that. Auto-charge will only ever charge for one month of service at a time. If your organization has a centralized billing arrangement with SurveyCTO, this feature can automatically charge your organization instead of a credit or debit card.
By default, all accounts have auto-charge enabled to ensure no disruption to data collection. To view your current payment settings, including whether or not auto-charge is enabled, log in to your manage subscription page and look in the SUBSCRIPTION section. From there you will be able to turn on/off auto-charge, as well as edit the card and billing information associated with auto-charge.
How do I know how many teams I have on my subscription?
Log in to your account’s manage subscription page. The “Subscription level” section under “SUBSCRIPTION” will indicate how many teams you have on your subscription. You can click the “Add/remove teams” link to decrease or increase the number of teams on your subscription at any time.
If you’d like to learn more about SurveyCTO teams, please see the FAQ “What is a SurveyCTO team?”.
How can I monitor my teams’ usage (i.e. forms, submissions, storage)?
If you want a quick overview of your account’s usage, log into your server console and click on the server icon at the top right-hand side of the console. This will show you a drop down where you can view the forms, storage, and submissions used to-date during your current usage cycle. That same dropdown will also have buttons that let you download your usage as an Excel report, change your plan to a paid subscription, and purchase new credits
If you’d like to learn more about SurveyCTO teams, please see the FAQ “What is a SurveyCTO team?”.
I have a trial or community subscription. How do I change my plan to a paid subscription?
It will only take you a few minutes to change to a paid account. Start by logging into your account’s manage subscription page. Then click on the green “Change Plan” button under the “Current status” section. And then follow the steps to confirm your activation, which will go into effect immediately.
How do I change my paid subscription plan?
SurveyCTO offers several different pricing plans (including tailored Enterprise plans). If you are on one of our pricing plans and wish to move to another plan, you can do so through your Manage Subscription page. Click the “Change plan” button to view all options and make your selection.
Please note:
When upgrading plans:
If you don’t have outstanding team-month credits, your new plan will be in effect immediately and the new price will be charged on your next billing date.
If you do have outstanding team-month credits, you will need to pay the difference between your existing and new plan before the move to the new plan can be processed.
- If paying with a credit card, you will be charged immediately for this balance. Once that payment is complete, your new subscription plan will go into effect.
- If paying through an invoice, you will get the invoice for the outstanding balance, and have until the end of the current billing cycle to provide payment. Only after that payment is confirmed will your new plan go into effect.
When downgrading plans:
Please be advised:
You cannot have any outstanding team-month credits if you wish to downgrade. Your team-month credits must be consumed (e.g. if you have two team-month credits, you must wait two months. If you have one team-month credits, you must wait one month) before you can initiate the change in your plan. Once the plan is changed, your new price will be charged on your next billing date.
You also must ensure that your current usage is under the new subscription plan’s limits. For example, if you are downgrading from the Advanced plan to the Pro plan, your usage needs to be within the Pro plan’s limits of 10,000 submissions and 500 forms within 25GB of storage. If you attempt to downgrade to a plan where your usage exceeds the new plan’s limits, you will receive the following error message:
“Sorry, your current server does not meet the requirements to change your subscription. Please resolve all violations then try again.”
In this scenario, you will need to purge data until you are within the new plan’s limits. We recommend using SurveyCTO Desktop to create a backup before proceeding, thus ensuring your data is safely stored before freeing up space on the server.
I want to increase the number of teams on my subscription. How do I change my plan to allow more teams?
Log in to your account’s manage subscription page. In the “Subscription level” section under “SUBSCRIPTION”, click on the link to “Add/remove teams” and then follow the steps to add more teams to your subscription. It only takes a few minutes and your limits will increase immediately.
If you’d like to learn more about SurveyCTO teams, please see the FAQ “What is a SurveyCTO team?”.
How do I remove a team from my subscription?
To change your subscription to allow fewer teams, first, check how many teams you have configured on your server console. Log in to the server console and, under the “Configure” tab, scroll to the “Your teams” section, which will list all the teams you are using on your server. Before you can change your plan to allow for fewer teams, you must make sure you are only using as many or fewer teams as you actually want to change to. For example, if you are currently on a four-team subscription and want to change to a three-team subscription, you must first make sure you only have three or fewer teams configured on your server console. If you have more than three teams configured, first delete/remove the extra team from your server console.
Then, go to your account’s manage subscription page and under the “Subscription level” section under “SUBSCRIPTION”, click the link to “Add/remove teams”. Then follow the steps to update your subscription to allow the lower number of teams you want.
If you’d like to learn more about SurveyCTO teams, please see the FAQ “What is a SurveyCTO team?”.
I closed my account. How do I reactivate my subscription?
It’s easy to reactivate your subscription at any time if you closed your account after July 27, 2017. Log into the Manage Subscription page of your Server Console using your closed subscription’s server name.
Under the “Current status” section, click the green “Activate a paid subscription” button and then follow the steps to reactivate your subscription.
Please note: If you have an outstanding team month balance on your previous subscription, you can ONLY activate the server on the last paid plan that you used. You will continue to receive the benefits and features of that subscription plan. If you want a different plan, you can make this change only after re-activating your previous subscription.
If you do not have an outstanding team month balance, you can choose from one of the currently available pricing plans.
If you closed your account before July 27, 2017, you may recall receiving an email in which we explained that SurveyCTO recycled closed accounts so other users could use their server names. In this case, if you’d like to reactivate your account, you will have to sign up for a new trial server via the sign up page of our website (when you sign up, you may even find that your old account name is still available!). After creating your trial, log in to your new account’s Manage Subscription page and under the “Current status” section, click the green “Change Plan” button to upgrade your trial to a paid subscription.
My account was closed. How do I download my data before it gets deleted?
All data will be permanently deleted 10 days after an account closes. Forms will remain on the server and be available if you choose to reactivate your subscription at a later time, however, it is best practice to download all form definitions alongside data.
If your account closes and you want to save your data, you have 10 days to reactivate your account and ensure data is not deleted (you can reactivate and keep using SurveyCTO or decide you want to temporarily reactivate to download your data and forms). To reactivate a closed account, log in to your account’s manage subscription page, under the “Current status” section click the green “Activate a paid subscription” button, and then follow the steps to reactivate your subscription. Once your server is reactivated, your data will not be deleted.
If you wish to export your data or forms, you can download all your data from the Export tab of the server console and download all form definitions from the Design tab. If you wish to close your account again, you can close the account by clicking “Close account” on the manage subscription page.
If you choose to reactivate your server on the community subscription, and your data exceeds 200MB – the server storage limit for community subscriptions – you will have 24 hours from the time of reactivation to download your data and/or purge portions of your data before the subscription freezes for exceeding the allowable server storage limits.
How do I close my subscription?
Log in to your account’s manage subscription page, then click the red “Close account” link under the “Current status” section. Then follow the steps to confirm that (a) all your data will be deleted after you close the account and you have exported all your data and (b) you still want to close your account. We will be sorry to see you go! Before you go, please do reach out to us at and let us know how your experience was with SurveyCTO and what made you decide to leave us. Feel free to be honest.
Will my data and forms be deleted from my server if I close my account?
Yes, your data will be deleted in a non-recoverable way 10 days after you close your account. However, form definitions will not and will still be available when and if you reactivate your subscription at a later date. If you want your form definitions to also be deleted, you can delete any or all forms (+ data) from your server yourself at any time before closing your account. Just click the “Delete” icon next to the form title on the “Design” tab of your server console and follow the steps to confirm deletion of the form and its data.
To ensure no data is lost, you must download all forms and data from your server prior to closing your account.
Will my data and forms be deleted from my server if I remove a team?
If you are keeping your subscription active and just removing one or more teams, before you can actually change your subscription to support fewer teams, you will need to remove any extra teams from your server console. To remove teams configured on your server console, you will need to either move the forms and data under that team to a different team, a shared group, or delete them from your server console. You cannot remove a team until after you, the user, have already cleared any forms or data under that team. Therefore, our system will not delete anything from your server when you remove a team; it will only let you remove empty teams.
To ensure no data is lost, you should download all forms and data within a team before deleting them from the team.
If you’d like to learn more about SurveyCTO teams, please see the FAQ “What is a SurveyCTO team?”.
How do I change my subscription to community?
Log in to your account’s manage subscription page. Under the “Current status” section under “SUBSCRIPTION”, click on “Change Plan”. After you click the relevant link, you will be asked to read through the requirements, community contract, and SurveyCTO’s terms and conditions on the next page. After reading them, click the confirmation box to continue. You will then be asked to complete your first engagement. After successfully completing the engagement, and filling in and submitting the survey form you will need to complete to do so (make sure you see the message that your submission has been submitted successfully), your plan will be changed to the community subscription.
What is the community subscription?
The community subscription is a special, free subscription plan to allow you and your team to have the option of another environment to test, train, and continue to explore the platform. It includes all features except the ability to add multiple teams to the same server and has the following usage limits: 10 survey forms, 200 MB storage, and 200 submissions per month.
If you’d like to learn more about SurveyCTO teams, please see the FAQ “What is a SurveyCTO team?”.
How do I activate a community subscription?
Step 1:
- If you are currently on a paid subscription and you wish to change your plan to a community subscription, log into the manage subscription page and click on “Change Plan” under the “Current status” section of the page.
- If your subscription is currently inactive and you wish to reactivate on the community subscription, log in to the manage subscription page (this log in will work even for inactive subscriptions) and, once logged in, click on “Convert to community subscription” on that page.
- If your subscription is in its free trial period, log in to the manage subscription page and click on “Change Plan” under the “Current status” section of the page.
Step 2:
- After you click the relevant link in Step 1 above, you will be asked to read through the requirements, community contract, and SurveyCTO’s terms and conditions on the next page. After reading them, click the confirmation box to continue.
Step 3:
- You will then be asked to complete your first engagement. After successfully completing the engagement, and filling in and submitting the survey form you will need to complete to do so (make sure you see the message that your submission has been submitted successfully), your community subscription will be activated.
How do I complete my community engagement activity to ensure my subscription remains active?
While the community subscription is free, SurveyCTO requires you to complete a monthly community engagement to keep your subscription active. You’ll receive an email with the options for engagement each month. Follow the link in that email to complete your engagement. Instead of waiting for the email, you can also directly complete the engagement: log into the account’s manage subscription page and, under the “Current status” section, select “Click here to complete engagement”. Once you submit your engagement the subscription will be renewed for another month.