Picture of Chris Robert

Chris Robert


Chris is the founder of SurveyCTO. He now serves as Director and Founder Emeritus, supporting Dobility in a variety of part-time capacities. Over the course of Dobility’s first 10 years, he held several positions, including CEO, CTO, and Head of Product.

Before founding Dobility, he was involved in a long-term project to evaluate the impacts of microfinance in South India; developed online curriculum for a program to promote the use of evidence in policy-making in Pakistan and India; and taught statistics and policy analysis at the Harvard Kennedy School. Before that, he co-founded and helped grow an internet technology consultancy and led technology efforts for the top provider of software and hardware for multi-user bulletin board systems (the online systems most prominent before the Internet).

Data Management
Chris Robert

Achieving Harmony Between Project Implementation and Research – Lessons from Laterite’s Embedded Advisor Model

Laterite recently entered a long-term engagement with TechnoServe’s East Africa Coffee Initiative to provide embedded and independent research and evaluation services to their operations in Ethiopia, Kenya, South Sudan and Rwanda. We spoke with the Laterite team to understand this new embedded model and how it has helped their teams achieve harmony between project implementation and research.

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Entity-Based Data Collection
Chris Robert

Mobile case management for multi-dimensional accountability

Oxfam is collaborating with local and global partners to capture, analyze, and respond to community feedback using SurveyCTO’s case management functionality in an innovative way. The goal is to inform Oxfam’s Middle East humanitarian response and give those affected by crisis a voice for improved support and services. In this post, Chris summarizes a conference session with Oxfam GB’s Emily Tomkys Valteri, including background on SurveyCTO’s support for mobile case management.

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Industry Trends and Current Events
Chris Robert

Raising funds responsibly is part of a social enterprise’s commitment

As the social enterprise sector grows, one of the more exciting vectors for innovation is financial. Coalitions such as the Impact Terms Project and organizations like Echoing Green are sharing resources and promoting new structures for funding double-bottom-line entities. Click here to read our post in collaboration with the Impact Terms Project.

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Data Management
Chris Robert

Improving the living conditions of populations in Mali with CERIPS

Recently, we had a chance to connect with our users at Centre d’Etudes et de Recherche sur l’Information en Population et Santé (CERIPS), a private research center in West Africa working to improve the living conditions of populations in Mali. CERIPS has worked with Population Council and UNICEF on multiple projects using SurveyCTO to collect baseline and endline survey data.

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Data Management
Chris Robert

Skills, status, and social networks: New research from South India

How does the formation of skills and social networks, especially those defined at the community and individual levels, influence the characteristics of individuals’ trajectories in terms of social status, employment, and migration in South India? We connected with Christophe Jalil Nordman about his work on the Networks, Employment, dEbt, Mobilities, and Skills in India Survey (NEEMSIS) project at the French Institute of Pondicherry and asked him how his team is using SurveyCTO.

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Chris Robert

What’s new in 2.30?

Welcome to 2.30, which is all about integrations, permissions, and ease of use. Read the full release notes at https://www.surveycto.com/support/release-notes/

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Data Management
Chris Robert

Perspectives from the Mekong region with MDRI

We recently had the pleasure of speaking with researchers at Mekong Development Research Institute (MDRI), a scientific research agency in the Mekong region and longtime SurveyCTO user. MDRI partners with a wide range of international and domestic clients, including the Asian Development Bank, International Labor Organization, United Nations Development Programme, and many others on projects spanning survey management, evaluation, M&E, and applied research.

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Data Management
Chris Robert

Scaling up skills-based training in Rwanda and Uganda with Educate!

Educate! is focused on transforming secondary education in Africa through skills-based training – and has been using SurveyCTO for the past three years to improve and scale up its systems. We recently connected with Educate!’s Shauna Davidson, who shared more about their model, the students they are serving, and how they are integrating SurveyCTO with their monitoring dashboards.

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Data Management
Chris Robert

Studying the Ready Made Garments (RMG) sector in Bangladesh with ARCED Foundation

Aureolin Research, Consultancy and Expertise Development (ARCED) Foundation is a long-time SurveyCTO user based in Dhaka, Bangladesh that works with teams from Plan International, Oxfam, BRAC Institute of Governance and Development, MIT, National University of Singapore, and many others. We connected with Md. Zahirul Islam about his work at ARCED, their research on the Ready Made Garments (RMG) sector, and how their organization has used SurveyCTO to improve the quality of the data they collect.

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Entity-Based Data Collection
Chris Robert

Hunger and schooling: How Mary’s Meals is assessing their programs

Mary’s Meals works in 14 countries across Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Caribbean to ensure children receive one daily meal in their place of education. We connected with Programmes Policy and Impact Officer Christopher Martin about innovations in survey design, how he collaborates with country teams, and what they have learned so far.

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Data Management
Chris Robert

‘Empowering women and demystifying technology’ with Barefoot College

Barefoot College has been connecting rural communities to solar, water, education, professions, and advocacy for over forty years. We asked Global Monitoring and Evaluation Director Lauren Remedios about her work leading monitoring and evaluation activities, the Barefoot College training model, and how “solar mamas” are using SurveyCTO in India.

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Data Management
Chris Robert

Studying infectious disease, hospitals, and umbilical cord care in Zambia

Boston University’s Center for Global Health and Development (CGHD) is a multidisciplinary research center that focuses on global health and social development challenges. Several of their studies use SurveyCTO, and we recently connected with Dr. Davidson Hamer about his implementation research on infectious disease, particularly as it impacts mothers and children.

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SurveyCTO Press Releases
Chris Robert

What MITx students will learn about SurveyCTO

We’ve been collaborating with J-PAL for months on their MITx course “Designing and Running Randomized Evaluations” – and we’re excited that students will finally get to participate in the SurveyCTO activities we’ve helped design.

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Data Management
Chris Robert

Studying Quality of Life in India with 4th Wheel Social Impact

We recently connected with Sharon Weir, the co-founder of 4th Wheel Social Impact (4WSI), about how SurveyCTO aligns with their work improving the way social programs in India are conceptualized, implemented, monitored, and evaluated. She shared details of a recent project in Bangalore that is assessing the impact of life skills program for local youth and why digital data collection is great for researchers AND respondents.

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Data Security & Residency
Chris Robert

5 Ways to Improve Your Data Security (Today!) for Digital Data Collection

Close your eyes and imagine you’re being interviewed about your sexual behaviors, your finances, and your health conditions – and then asked the same questions about each member of your family. The person speaking with you has taken photos of you, your children, and your home, and they captured your GPS coordinates within one meter of accuracy. You’ve trusted a stranger with incredibly personal and easily identifiable information. But what steps are they taking to keep your data secure and your family safe?

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Chris Robert

Online Support Center: Accessing Support

All SurveyCTO users have access to the online Support Center, and all users with paid subscriptions have access to professional support. This video shows how to access the online Support Center, open requests for professional support, and manage who on an account has access to professional support.

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Data Collection & Data Quality
Chris Robert

A visit to Khushi Baby in Rajasthan, India

We always love learning from SurveyCTO users about the innovative ways they use our technology to collect quality data. Last year, we had the opportunity to meet with Khushi Baby at the site of one of their research projects in India.

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Industry Trends and Current Events
Chris Robert

Thoughts from MERL Tech UK

MERL Tech UK was a small, intimate gathering by conference standards (just under 100 attendees), but jam-packed full of passion, accumulated wisdom, and practical knowledge. It’s clear that technology is playing an increasingly useful role in helping us with monitoring, evaluation, accountability, research, and learning — but it’s also clear that there’s plenty of room for improvement. As a technology provider, I walked away with both more inspiration and more clarity for the road ahead. Some highlights…

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SurveyCTO Press Releases
Chris Robert

New MIT / J-PAL / edX course on randomized evaluations

Learn how to design randomized evaluations and implement them in the field to measure the impact of social programs in this new course run by MIT, edX, and Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab (J-PAL). “Designing and Running Randomized Evaluations” is part of MIT’s “Data, Economics, and Development Policy MicroMasters” program.

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Chris Robert

Form Designer: Intro to Form Design

SurveyCTO includes powerful tools for building forms that people fill out either online or offline. This video shows how to get started building forms in SurveyCTO, using the online form designer.

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Chris Robert

Automated Quality Checks: Monitoring IV

SurveyCTO includes powerful, built-in support for automated quality checks, which can supplement manual monitoring efforts and help assure that potential problems don’t go unnoticed. This fourth video in the series introduces these automated quality checks and shows how they integrate with the Data Explorer.

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